Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
For this college assignment, I had to design the next issue of an existing magazine. I chose Pop Icon by Paris Hilton. This magazine strongly reflects my style and the type of design I enjoy. I maintained a careful balance between a chaotic, vibrant vibe and a clean layout to make sure the final product aligned with previous issues while adding some unique and new touches to it.

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Avenir LT Std
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As this was one of my biggest and most detailed projects, I started with lots of sketching. I explored different layout options, experementing with compositions to find the right balance between structure and chaotic style.

Then, I conducted extensive research on previous issues, outlining the Function, Format, Frame, Formula, and other key details. Using Illustrator, I combined everything into a digital presentation to guide my design decisions and next steps

Next, I created a flat plan and detailed descriptions for each section of my future magazine and made another presentation. This served as a step-by-step guide for the entire design process.

Once everything was finalized, I printed the magazine on glossy paper with the original dimensions and proper color settings. The final piece turned out great, and now is a part of my room decor!